The Phoenix Editorial
Recent Editorial News
Wanted: Editor-in-Chief
The Phoenix is, and continues to be, in a great state of transition. Efforts are being made every day to improve the quality of the...
The Student Trustee Exchange
As of July 1st, 2013, I've taken on the role of my elected position as Student Trustee of Governors State University. I appreciate...
Letters to the Editor policy
Recent events have resulted in The Phoenix developing its' first ever Letters to the Editor policy. Our Letters to the Editor policy...
The closing of one chapter...
The 2013 spring semester is now coming to an end. After all of the studying, group projects, papers, presentations, finals, and one of...
Miss Hall goes to Washington
Welcome to another issue of the Phoenix! I am pleased to bring to readers, in the print edition of the Phoenix, the first-ever edition...
A message from Student Senate on student civility
Growing up, I remember my mother saying that if you want someone to do something for you, it is better to use honey rather than vinegar....
Freedom of speech and the role of the press
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom...
A message from the Editor-in-Chief
Welcome back to another semester at GSU! It seems like only yesterday the Fall semester was ending, yet here we are, already three...
What does GSU's student senate actually do?
Over the past month, Student Senate has participated in numerous events and activities, including the distribution of a survey to...
Make the most out of your college experience
Often times, as students at GSU, we tend to focus solely on our coursework. Many of us show up for class, attend class, and then go...
Rock your vote: become informed
As we all undoubtedly know, there is a Presidential election coming up in November. As is typical during election season, it is...
Get an education, not just a degree
How do you get an English major off of your porch? Pay for the pizza. I see this idea constantly in articles, cartoons and blogs, and it...