The Phoenix News
Recent News
Spring 2014 Semester will see launch of GSU myONECARD
Governors State University will implement a new student ID card system at the start of the Spring semester with the...
Student Housing Applications now being accepted!
Student applications for GSU's new on-campus residence hall, Prairie Place, are now being accepted for current students who are enrolled...
Chicago Live! makes triumphant return to GSU
For the second year in a row, Chicago Live! enthralled the audience at Governors State University's Center for...
GSU Idol winner exudes passion for music
Congratulations are in order for Allen Patricia Britten, winner of the 2013 GSU Idol competition. A native Chicagoan and the sixth of...
Fitness Success at GSU's Rec Center
The story of Eugene Best is a story of what can be accomplished with a strong resolve, a solid support system, and an excellent workout...
GSU Initiates New Undergraduate Research Program
Governors State University has initiated a new program to fund and facilitate undergraduate research in all disciplines. The...
GSU adding History, Media Studies majors
Governors State University is excited to announce the addition of two new undergraduate programs. As of October...
Swan Song
My time here at Governors State is almost done. It is crazy how quickly the time went, but I think I am...
Taming the Stress Within You
With finals looming just around the corner, all graduate students can attest to the impending doom and gloom...
Farewell, GSU!
It is hard to believe, but this is my last issue as Editor-in-Chief of the Phoenix! My time as Editor-in-Chief has been filled wit...
GSU Phoenix Speaker's Corner
The Phoenix launched it's first podcast yesterday, November 14, in conjunction with a successful Open House! Thanks to all who...
New Student Club Enriches Communication Skills
There is a new way that GSU students can improve their communication skills. The Communication Studies Initiative, formerly the Speech...